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4000 music titles classical to pop for radios sound reinforcement streaming

B2B Radio Streaming


Reseller license with over 4000 music titles from classical to pop for commercial radio programs, ideal for sound reinforcement in restaurants and businesses. Pleasant background music from various radio channels creates the right atmosphere for guests, patients and customers. Your company streaming radio for public performances, e.g. in sales rooms, cafés, hotels, bars. Can also be used as a company license for branch operations.


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Inhalt Radioprogramm

All music titles were produced in-house and are royalty-free and free of other user companies. We are now providing companies, streaming radios and resellers with a non-exclusive reseller license to integrate the music titles into their existing portfolio. A unique upgrade and addition to your existing music catalog or a new sales branch as a radio streamer. The music titles can be used freely for streaming your customers and you can issue corresponding approvals for the free sound reinforcement of your customers. Set up your own streaming radio for free sound reinforcement. There are no limits to product creativity.

The 4000 music titles are delivered as mp3 files on a data carrier. You will receive a non-exclusive reseller license agreement and can freely supply your customers as a streaming service and also exempt gema. The purchase price includes all reseller license rights. If desired, the amount can also be financed monthly.  Contact us : kooperation@filmmusik.net



Price: 3995.00 EUR
Copyright MAXXmarketing GmbH
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