Royalty free music is the cost-effective alternative for many producers and avoids the annoying bureaucracy and high costs of the user companies. However, one should always note the following: Royalty free does not mean copyright-free. So in any case you need a release from the composer to use the music in his video production.
This royalty release should be comprehensive, regardless of whether the film is published, for example on the Internet or on Youtube, or reproduced as a DVD. The release should not be limited in time, valid worldwide and independent of the circulation of the phonograms. And very important, the name of the composer must be listed, because then the Gema can clearly check whether the author really produces gema freely.
The following applies to music from Kayser Medienverlag: Buy the music once and use it again and again in your own video productions free of charge. Regardless of whether the finished films are shown publicly or passed on as a video, sold or distributed on the Internet on YouTube, there are no additional costs. Each buyer receives a personal royalty release certificate from the composer, issued in his name. All music titles come from the film composer Johannes Kayser, who has specialized in the production of royalty free film music for over 30 years. Everything from a single source creates legal certainty for every video producer and his customers.
How can I use the music from Kayser Medienverlag?
In principle, the following applies:
1) Buy 1x - use again and again, unlimited in all your productions.
2) The Gema approval applies to all user companies worldwide, including AKM and SUISA.
3) Licences shall be restricted to persons and shall not be transferable.
Unless otherwise agreed, the billing address shall be deemed to be the licensee.
There are 2 license types at Kayser Medienverlag: Compact, Standard and Professional license
1) The Standard license is for video producers and filmmakers who publish, perform and sell their own videos with soundtracks..
2) The Professional License in the Complete Music Archive is for companies, companies with subsidiaries or sub-companies and studios. If you also work for clients and add music to their videos, you also need the Professional license. You can also release the finished products for your customers. So your customer is also on the safe side.
3) The Online License is always a standard license and is valid for 1 calendar year. After expiry, the downloads may no longer be used. Of course, all videos produced up to that point remain free according to the standard license.
License Details :
Standard License (for all music packages and Complete Standard)
for producers who add sound to their own videos and also distribute them commercially. The music can be used over and over again in the licensee's videos for the purposes of soundtracking, unlimited in terms of time (lifetime) and worldwide. The exception is the online version, which is valid for 1 year. Includes :
- Private performance rights / use via the Internet
- Internet use on own websites in connection with language or image
- Mechanical duplication on CD, DVD, Blue-Ray
- Video portals (Youtube, Vimeo, Myvideo etc...)
- Own image films, documentaries, company films, company presentations
- Own telephone queues, telephone systems
- Own online teaching videos, online education
- TV broadcasts of own films (regional, national, international)
Professional license (only available for the Complete Music Archive Professional)
for tradespeople to use in videos and multimedia productions to set their own videos to music and for customers. The music can be used over and over again in the licensee's videos for the purposes of soundtracking, unlimited in terms of time (lifetime) and worldwide. are included
- Video dubbing for clients
- Commercial performance rights / Internet use
- Commercial Internet use, websites, shops in connection with language or image
- Mechanical duplication of CD, DVD, Blue-Ray for commercial purposes
- Video portals (Youtube, Vimeo, Myvideo etc...)
- Commercial radio and public address
- Image films, documentaries, company films, company presentations
- Telephone queues, telephone systems
- Online instructional videos, online education
- TV broadcasts (regional, national, international)
- Computer games (platform independent)
- TV advertising, TV films, TV series, TV shows, cinema advertising, cinema films
All music titles were composed or produced by the composer Johannes Kayser and are subject to the general property rights of the Federal Republic of Germany. The licensee acquires a non-exclusive right to use the music productions, but does not become the owner of the music. All compositions are free of third-party rights.
The music offered is ROYALTY FREE. The composer Johannes Kayser is not a member of any collecting society. This means that there are no GEMA, AKM, SUISA, ASCAP, BMI, PRS, etc. fees. All rights of use and exploitation are exercised by the author himself. Sub-licensing by the licensee is not permitted. Using the pieces of music under one's own name is prohibited. The music files can be converted by the licensee into any format and edited, shortened or lengthened as desired.
The pure music titles may not be resold and may only be published in connection with a video or voiceover. The mere passing on of the composition is prohibited in any case. This also includes all public music archives and file sharing platforms. A resale of the acquired license and the sole pieces of music for the purpose of setting to music etc. to third parties is also prohibited. The integration into website templates (templates) for the purpose of resale is also prohibited.
The use of the compositions in any projects that contradict the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, the European Union and the United States of America or do not correspond to public and moral principles is prohibited. The use of the pieces of music is only permitted once the license price has been paid in full. Kayser Medienverlag is not responsible for the use of the product purchased by the buyer and is not liable for any damage arising from the use of the product.
By sending the order on our website, the customer submits a binding offer to conclude a contract. The access data for audio data is provided as a download link. On request we will send you a data or audio CD (possibly for a surcharge). The customer is responsible for securing the access data and will be treated confidentially by Kayser Medienverlag and will not be passed on.
Digital goods such as eBooks, guides, advice, software and audio data as well as sealed data carriers for the transport of digital goods are excluded from the right of withdrawal in the Distance Selling Act (BGB § 312d Abs. 4 Ziff. 1), as they are not suitable for return due to their nature.