Standard Version auf USB Stick
(Aktuelle Version : 11.0)
Complete 11 Musikarchiv
Royalty free Musik von Klassik bis Pop
Complete is the complete musical archive of Kayser Medienverlag for creative videographers for recording, marketing and publishing (e.g. YouTube) films and video productions on data media or online and includes over 11000 royalty-free titles from classical to pop, sound designs and effects. You can easily search in the music library using your computer's web browser, listen to tracks and then transfer them to the editing system. Complete provides presets for all genres, instruments and moods. Each user receives their individual release certificate.
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Onlinezugang Neuerscheinungen
Complete Preset Sounddesign Bandsalat
Preset Feste Feiern Hymnen
Preset Jahreszeiten Frühling
Preset Jahreszeiten Sommer
Preset Jahreszeiten Herbst
Preset Jahreszeiten Winter
Complete 10 Preset Feelings
Complete 10 - Preset Sport
Complete 10 Preset Drones Rises
Action Streicher Orchester
Sound Design für Videospiele
Musiksuche - Wie finde ich den richtigen Musiktitel
Complete 10 Preset Architektur
Complete 10 - Preset Kirche
Complete 10 Preset Spieluhr
Complete 10 Preset Darkzone
Complete 10 Klassik Schubert
Complete 10 Instrumente Banjo
Filmmaker´s Friend - The studio standard
The Complete Music Archive offers a unique musical variety from classical to pop, openers, trailers, music beds, soundscapes, emotional melodies, but also modern rhythms for technology, TV, studio and industry. There is also an extensive archive of effects and sound designs for dubbing. Complete contains one of the largest classical archives with over 1000 titles by the great masters. The compositions are arranged according to time periods and composers. Since 1986, over 150 audio CDs have been released, which are also in this archive. List of CDs
List of classical titles :
Complete can be easily integrated into your studio workflow and computer network for direct access from multiple editing stations. This makes the music archive the perfect audio tool in post-production for TV stations, large studios and agencies. Here are some information videos on YouTube!
Try it now for free
Legal certainty when purchasing
Film music directly from the composer! Once purchased, you can use the royalty-free music again and again in your projects. The following applies: buy once - use it again and again as a lifetime license or with online access as long as it is booked. All compositions are free from collecting societies such as Gema, ASAP, PRS, AKM, SUISA, SACEM, BMI, etc. You will always receive an individual release certificate.
License Complete Musikarchiv
Kompakt License
The komact license for the individual video amateur. You can record, publish but not sell your own videos . Delivery of mp3 files on a USB stick for unlimited use (lifetime) .
Standard License
The standard license for the individual video producer. You can record, publish and sell your own videos without restrictions. Delivery of mp3 files on a USB stick for unlimited use (lifetime) .
Professional License
The company license for production companies. If you create videos for customers, you need the Professional license. Why ? When passing on the customer videos, you must also release Gema to the customer. This is a third-party use of the music and is only possible with the Professional license. Once purchased, you can free your customers directly, for example to publish the videos at trade fairs or on the Internet. Delivered as wav and mp3 files for unlimited use (lifetime) on a USB hard drive .
Online Access
Access to the entire archive online for 1 year. We regularly produce new music. After completion, the new music pieces are also immediately available for download. Online access is valid for 1 year with the standard license. After purchasing you will receive your access to the server within 24 hours.