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Middle Age - 50 royalty free tracks with classical music 13-14 century

50x gema freie Musiktitel Klassik Mittelalter


Since the 9th century, the first music has been written down. The first epoch was monophonic Gregorian chant and lasted until about 1100. After that, polyphonic music was created with the name Notre-Dame School in the 12th and 13th centuries. Musical instruments include the harp, the lute, the portative, the psaltery, the rotta as well as the bagpipes, the hurdy-gurdy, shawm, flute, drum, fiddle . 

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Music Tracks Overview


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Typical music on the theme of the Middle Ages. 50 royalty free tracks to set your films and videos to music. With this music package, you can voice, publish, and also sell your own videos and movies without any restrictions. Supplied as mp3 files (320kbps) as download or CD/DVD for unlimited use. (These music files are also included in the Complete Music Pack). The music package is delivered in the standard license. If you would like to use the music for public sound reinforcement, select the licence for sound reinforcement when you buy it.


1 mittelalter1 O homo considera - Isorhythmic Motette 14 Jahrhundert 01:31 2 mittelalter2 Ductia Tanzlied 13 Jahrhundert 01:36 3 mittelalter3 Resonet in laudibus medieval 14 Jahrhundert 01:13 4 mittelalter4 Verbum caro factum est: In hoc anni circulo medieval 14 Jahrhundert 02:22 5 mittelalter5 Edi beo thu hevene quene medieval 14 Jahrhundert 01:05 6 mittelalter6 Tempus adest floridum medieval 13 Jahrhundert 01:12 7 mittelalter7 Procurans Odium medieval 14 Jahrhundert 01:07 8 mittelalter8 Estampie Retrouvé medieval 14 Jahrhundert 04:45 9 mittelalter9 O quanta qualia sunt illa sabbata Peter Abelard 1079-1142 01:15 10 mittelalter10 Auba 54 Giraut de Bornelh 1140-1200 02:15 11 mittelalter11 Prosody Giraut de Bornelh 1140-1200 02:15 12 mittelalter12 Angelus ad virginem medieval 13 Jahrhundert 01:25 13 mittelalter13 Adan, si soit que me feme amés tant Adam de la Halle 1227 - 1288 01:37 14 mittelalter14 Dieus soit en cheste maison Adam de la Halle 1227 - 1288 01:53 15 mittelalter15 Or est Baiars Adam de la Halle 1227 - 1288 01:05 16 mittelalter16 Santa Maria Strela do dia Alfonso X, el Sabio 1221-1284 01:57 17 mittelalter17 Quen a omagen da Virgen Alfonso X, el Sabio 1221-1284 01:43 18 mittelalter18 Gloria Matheus de Perusio 14 Jahrhundert 02:00 19 mittelalter19 He, tres doulz roussignol - Borlet 14 Jahrhundert 02:33 20 mittelalter20 Ma, tredol rosignol - Borlet 14 Jahrhundert 01:23 21 mittelalter21 Tre doulz regard rondeau - Grimace 14 Jahrhundert 01:31 22 mittelalter22 Magister Franciscus De Narcissus ballade - Grimace 14 Jahrhundert 02:16 23 mittelalter23 Armes, amours/O flour - François Andrieu 14 Jahrhundert 04:23 24 mittelalter24 Puis que je sui fumeux - Johannes Symonis Hasprois 14 Jahrhundert 02:08 25 mittelalter25 En l'amoureux vergier - Solage 14 Jahrhundert 02:30 26 mittelalter26 Corps feminin - Solage 14 Jahrhundert 04:23 27 mittelalter27 Calextone qui fut - Solage 14 Jahrhundert 03:32 28 mittelalter28 S'aincy estoit - Solage 14 Jahrhundert 03:13 29 mittelalter29 Le basile - Solage 14 Jahrhundert 02:02 30 mittelalter30 Helas je voy - Solage 14 Jahrhundert 02:10 31 mittelalter31 Fuions de ci Jacob de Senleches 14 Jahrhundert 02:38 32 mittelalter32 Je me merveil Jacob de Senleches 14 Jahrhundert 03:05 33 mittelalter33 En attendant esperance Jacob de Senleches 14 Jahrhundert 03:01 34 mittelalter34 En ce gracieux tamps Jacob de Senleches 14 Jahrhundert 02:00 35 mittelalter35 Tel me voit Jacob de Senleches 14 Jahrhundert 02:34 36 mittelalter36 La harpe de melodie Jacob de Senleches 14 Jahrhundert 02:50 37 mittelalter37 Diuex gart qui bien le chantera - Guido 14 Jahrhundert 07:40 38 mittelalter38 Or voit tout en aventure - Guido 14 Jahrhundert 02:30 39 mittelalter39 Passerose de beaute- Trebor Triboll Trebol Borlet14 Jahrhundert 02:52 40 mittelalter40 Helas pitie - Trebor Triboll Trebol Borlet14 Jahrhundert 02:14 41 mittelalter41 Quant joyne cuer - Trebor Triboll Trebol Borlet14 Jahrhundert 02:15 42 mittelalter42 En seumillant - Trebor Triboll Trebol Borlet14 Jahrhundert 02:02 43 mittelalter43 Se Alixandre et Hector - Trebor Triboll Trebol Borlet14 Jahrhundert 02:53 44 mittelalter44 Se July Cesar - Trebor Triboll Trebol Borlet14 Jahrhundert 03:01 45 mittelalter45 En remirant - Philippus de Caserta 1350 - 1420 02:49 46 mittelalter46 De ma dolour - Philippus de Caserta 1350 - 1420 02:19 47 mittelalter47 En atendant soufrir - Philippus de Caserta 1350 - 1420 02:31 48 mittelalter48 Beaute parfaite - Antonello da Caserta 1355 - 1402 02:36 49 mittelalter49 Dame d'onour en qui - Antonello da Caserta 1355 - 1402 02:24 50 mittelalter50 Du val prileus- Antonello da Caserta 1355 - 1402 02:55

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Price: 29.95 EUR
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