Stress takes a toll on the body and soul. Images of nature calm the mind and relax the body. This relaxation film puts the viewer, patient or meditator in a pleasant mood and creates well-being and calm. Perfect for doctor's appointments, shortening waiting times or upgrading lobbies, bars and shops. Of course, our films are also ideal for physiotherapy, meditation and to guide you into a deep, relaxed sleep.
←↓ Media ↓→
Northern lights - treatment meditation film in Full HD as mp4 file (h264) for direct download or on USB stick for waiting rooms, hotels, treatment .Relaxing recordings to play directly on your TV or media player. Running time: 45 min 16:9
Relieve stress-related tension and recharge your energies. The calm, gently flowing sound patterns lead you quickly and effortlessly to a soothing inner calm, to holistic harmonization and correspondingly strong health-promoting effects. The music combined with the sounds induces a state of deep, holistic relaxation. Calming and harmonization of the entire organism.
With this video package you can play the film in your waiting room or waiting area on one or more televisions (depending on the license) at no additional cost. The music used is free of copyright and thus free of license costs from collecting societies.
License JustEarth.TV
Single Lizenz
The single-seat license entitles you to play on a television / player within a business premises. The license is for unlimited use (lifetime). Buy once, perform again and again. Preis : 39€
Multi Lizenz
The multi-seat license entitles you to playback on any number of televisions / players within one business address. The license is for unlimited use (lifetime). Buy once, perform again and again. Preis : 79€
Company Lizenz
The company license entitles you to playback on any number of televisions / players company-wide / branches. The license is for unlimited use (lifetime). Buy once, perform again and again. Preis : 198€
After purchase, the film is available for download. If you would like delivery on a USB stick, select the additional USB stick option.