11 hours of videos from all over the world with royalty free music by the film composer Johannes Kayser in HD as an mp4 file on a USB stick for your waiting room TV. Breathtaking recordings to include in your TV programs. A new video clip every 3-4 minutes guarantees a trip around the world and entertainment in the waiting area.
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Travel clips from the following countries and cities are included:
Kanada Neufundland, Irland Dublin, Indonesien Sumatra,Ägypten, Bora Bora, Griechenland Rhodos Spanien Madrid, Chile Anden, USA New York,Jordanien Petra, Indien Mumbai, Norwegen Geiranger Fjord Australien Blue Mountains, Sri Lanka Colombo, Mallorca,Niederlande Amsterdam, Philippinen Zamboanga, Senegal Dakar Spanien Cadiz, Zypern, Dänemark Kopenhagen,Kapverdische Inseln, Russland Sankt Petersburg, Frankreich Brest Neuseeland Auckland, Neuguinea, Portugal Lissabon,Venezuela Caracas, Italien Rom, USA San Francisco Mexiko Acapulco, Hongkong, Menorca,Raiatea, Puerto Rico, Schweden Stockholm Ibiza, USA Miami, Peru Tucume,Japan Tokio, Spanien Santiago de Compostela, Grenada Chile Valparaiso, Frankreich Paris, Australien Sydney,Moorea Süd Pazifik, Fudschaira VAE, Norwegen Trondheim England London, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Lanzarote Kanaren,Aruba, Indien Mumbai, Argentinien Mendoza Seychellen, Florida Everglades, Norwegen Hellesylt,Madeira, Korfu Griechenland, Afrika Kenia Gran Canaria, Griechenland Lesbos, Frankreich Le Havre,Israel Haifa, Indien Mumbai, Teneriffa St. Lucia Karibik, USA Baltimore, Jordanien Aqaba,Bonaire, Bali, Seychellen Niederlande Amsterdam , Peru Tempel des Mondes,Bodensee, China Jangsekiang, Florida Everglades Ukraine Kiew, Portugal Lissabon, Curacao Willemstad,Köln, Ibiza Stadt Eivissa, Oman Salalah Österreich Wien, Spanien Salamanca, Portugal Weinstraße,Dubai Downtown, USA Kalifornien, Ägypten Theben Portugal Douro, Tortola British Virgin Islands, Nevada Red Rock Canyon,Brasilien Rio Copacabana, Argentinien Iguazu Wasserfälle, China Peking Uruguay Montevideo, New York, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur,Israel Jerusalem, Madeira, Bali Russland Moskau, USA Yellowstone Nationalpark, Indien Goa,Norwegen Nordcap, Zypern Limassol, Chile Santiago de Chile Frankreich Wissembourg, Chinesische Mauer, Würzburg,Indonesien Sulawesi, Grenada St. George´s, Düsseldorf Rheinturm Vietnam Hanoi, Russland Uglitsch, Neufundland St. John´s,Island Reykjavik, Andernach Rhein, Grönland Prinz Christian Sund Schottland Orkney Inseln, Norwegen Bergen, Zwischenahner Meer,New York Liberty Island, Russland Insel Kischi, Ostseeküste Antigua, Frankreich Lyon, Ostsee Winterimpressionen,Kambodscha Phnom Penh, Passau, Portugal Lissabon Aruba Oranjestad, Frankreich Versailles, Indien Mumbai,Neustadt Holstein, Honduras Roatàn, Dominikanische Republik Samana Gran Canaria Arucas, Essen Zeche Zollverein, Peru Paracas,Mexiko Cozumel, Indonesien Sulawesi, Vietnam Hoi An Frankreich Deauville, Ukraine Sewastopol, Florida Kanufahrt,Mallorca Westküste, Kambodscha Angkor Thom, New York Schweiz Solothurn, Serbien Donau Eisernes Tor, Ibiza Buchten,Norwegen Bergen, China Wuhan, Rheinland Pfalz Südliche Weinstraße Indonesien Sulawesi, Ukraine Ismajil, Donau Impressionen,Antigua Rundflug, Grenada Karibik, New York Thailand Bangkok, Mallorca Playa de Palma, Grönland Qaportoq,Frankreich Vallon Pont dÁrc, Mosel Impressionen, Bremen Ägypten Theben-West, Emden, Norwegen Nordcap,Irland Kilkenny, Monschau Eifel, Karibik Grenada Anse Bay Russland Mandrogi, Salzkotten OWL, Portugal Lissabon,Italien Mailand, Essen, St. Lucia Farewell Castries China Xian Terrakotta Armee, Teutoburger Wald, Indonesien Sulawesi,Ibiza Eivissa, New York, Indien Mumbai Nordseespecial : Norddeich, Carolinensiel, Wilhelmshaven, Bremerhaven,Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Bali, Island Frankreich Marseille, Italien Pisa, Spanien Barcelona,Karibikspecial : St. Maarten Maho Beach, St. Lucia, Aruba Indonesienspecial : Indonesien, Sulawesi, Bali, Unterwasser,Orientspecial : Dubai Fountains, Oman Muscat, Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed Mosque Norwegenspecial : Norwegen Bergen, Nordcap, Geirangerfjord ...
With this video package you can play the films in your waiting room or waiting area on one or more televisions (depending on the license) at no additional cost. The music used is free of copyright and thus free of license costs from collecting societies.
License JustEarth.TV
Single License
The single-seat license entitles you to play on a television / player within a business premises. The license is for unlimited use (lifetime). Buy once, perform again and again. Preis : USB Stick 249€
Multi License
The multi-seat license entitles you to playback on any number of televisions / players within one business address. The license is for unlimited use (lifetime). Buy once, perform again and again. Preis : USB Stick 498€
Company License
The company license entitles you to playback on any number of televisions / players company-wide / branches. The license is for unlimited use (lifetime). Buy once, perform again and again. Preis : USB Stick 998€
Broadcast License
The broadcasting license authorizes streaming and publication for TV stations. The license is for unlimited use (lifetime). Buy once, perform again and again. Preis : auf Anfrage